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Equine Sports

Chetak Equine League

Show Jumping

At Chetak Equine sport Show Jumping is a popular sport. Show jumping combines precision & speed in a thrilling display of horsemanship.

Tent Pegging

Get a taste of what riding used to be with this ancient sport where riders gallop across a straight course with a sword or lance to pick wooden / cardboard peg stuck in the ground.

Horse Dressage

Dressage is an elegant equestrian discipline where horse and rider perform a series of precise movements in a set pattern. From last 3 year this sport is also getting attention on Sarangkheda’s people’s.

Ball & Bucket

A bucket & ball horse event involves horses engaging with buckets & balls in various activities, showcasing their skills and agility. It’s an entertaining & engaging competition that highlights the bond between riders & their horses.

Horse Buggy Ride

Time travel isn’t possible, but with a leisurely Horse Buggy Ride of Sarangkheda it will seem so. Enjoy scenic views, rustic paths, the rhythm of hooves, and the leisurely pace from a time long gone.